Welcome to my Worf/Troi Mirror site!!! Protest GeoCities putting 3 ads on your pages! Get a site on a different server!!!

If you're still ticked off about the proposed imzi scenes in Star Trek 9, just click your heels together and say three times "We'll always have "Parallels""... Trust me, it'll help. It's kind of like chicken soup for the W/Ters soul...

All I want is for Sisko to call Ezri Dax "Old Man". Then we'll know everything is right with the world, momentarily forgetting the horrors contained in ST9 and imzi 2...


Worf/Troi message board!!!


Worf/Troi Web Poll
How did you get hooked on W/T?

Current Results

Coming soon!!!

The Gagh Cannon!!!!!!

This is Shannara, the Fire Lizard, who protects loyal W/Ters from psychotic, obsessive, Imzadi fans...

Tell us what you'd rather do than see ST9 or read Imzadi 2!!!!!

I'd rather...

than see ST9 or read Imzadi 2!!!

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The best answers will be posted here!

Fanfic Challenge of the month!!!

Click on the link above and check it out!!!

Worf and Troi were born for each other... Imzadi is irrelevant... Peter David will be assimilated... And all the rest of you little Imzadians too... And any JJLLers that are just *dying* to knock off Worf...

The only reason she's sitting with him here is, well, because she's drunk, of course.

Happy happy, joy joy!!!

Did someone just shove a tribble where the sun don't shine?

To induce vomiting, view this picture... If that doesn't work (although there's no reason it shouldn't), go see STInX. We promise it will turn you off imzi forever... Ouch, can you believe I'm actually recommending watching it? Eek. I take that back...

Kill the imzis! Kill them!!!

Join the Worf/Troi mailing list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Take the Anti-Imzadi quiz!

Are you Anti-Imzadi? 

1.   Do you watch for moments of "Imzadi", no matter how slight, 
in every TNG episode, so you can leave the room and throw up? 

2.   Do you address your significant other in Klingon? 

3.   Have you read the novel(s) by Peter David and then burned it/them? 

4.   If the next Star Trek movie was based on that book, would 
you picket outside the theatre? 

5.   Do you pump your fist in the air whenever Riker encounters 
a woman? 

6.   Is "Parallels" or "Eye of the beholder" your favourite 
episode, or both? 

7.   Were you yelling and screaming and throwing things at the 
TV when Worf left TNG for DS9, leaving Riker free to step back 
into the picture? 
     (Only to be even more devastated when he then married D** -
 but that's another story...) 

8.   Do you refuse to watch DS9 for that reason? 

9.   Do you wish that in the next movie Worf would come back to 
Troi and they together blow Riker out of an airlock?  (then 
leaving Jadzia for J&J)

10.  Have you corrupted the Imzadi Mailing List? :) 

Score a bonus point if you've never read "Imzadi" and never will!

The Shrine

The Fire Pit

My Other Page

Great books from Amazon!!!


This is pretty much as close as TPTB is going to get to allowing a *real* W/T book tp be published. Excellent reading, and it refused to sit next to my copy of Imzadi (which I still haven't decided an evil enough punishment for...) on my bookshelf! Small wonder...

Trials and Tribble-Ations

Really good, and funny, I haven't seen the episode but the book was so good I'd practically give my left arm to see it...

Imzi 2 update!!!

It seems as though Peter David has done it again, written a book late at night while on crack. Oh, you mean he *wasn't* on anything when he wrote it?!? *That's* even scarier... But it's not like you can believe anything he writes, anyways, considering...

This is my DEAR friend Nanook, who has devoured 42 copies of Imzadi so far, and threw up after each one... Vet told me to keep him away, but you know how it is... It's like a car crash, revolting, but you keep right on looking... Poor wolf...

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Meet the Ringmaster, Kessaren... Who seems to be on strike, as you would know if you've tried to get your site in the ring, webring.org is very, very evil... maybe the imzis got to it???

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These are Ed and Doug, who eat Imzadians for breakfast... They say it's better than Ken-L-ration... You DON'T want to get on their bad side...

Oh, look, it's D**, the slug. GET THE SALT!!!!!!! Let's hope it's next host is a man!!!!!!

Adopt a Virtual Slug!!!

Star Trek Relationship Station Certified RomanTrek!!!

Register your Klingon name!!! I did!!!

This site has won the Vulcan I.D.I.C. Cool Site Award!!!

loyal citizans have converted to Worf/Troi-ism since Stardate 9804.03!!!

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